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PROJECT FV 10505 „Intelligent composite anchoring element“

Link to the project website

Anotace: The project aims to research the possibility of a combination of composite materials and electronic systems, so that was a completely new type of fastener utilized for anchoring safety nets for the refurbishment of rock walls, in the field of mining engineering and in dealing with other geotechnical problems. Intelligent composite fastener will be compared to existing anchoring elements allow non-destructive measurements of its length, even after its installation. This feature is important for long term monitoring of the effectiveness of the implemented measures, but also to verify the implementation of the measure. However, it will not be a simple implementation of the measurement system into existing composite anchor elements. Based on modeling and testing in situ will be optimized and the mechanical properties of the fastener. In particular, the research team will focus on improving the top bracket fastener. Currently there are mentioned measures used especially steel anchors which are slowly being replaced by composite without any added functionality. After installing the fastener to be installed in the grid to a given depth (eg. The grid 1x1m up to 3 m), it is not possible to verify how long the anchoring element actually been installed. Given the factual impossibility of verifying the actual length of the installed fastener is tempting some implementers fixings shortened. Investor has no reliable this fact independently verified. Even during the lifetime of geotechnical measures can not be verified, for example, an incident (eg. The occurrence of new cracks in the rock mass, the initiation of a partial avalanches, etc.) That there was no violation of the installed fastener.

Period: 2016 – 2019

Programme: TRIO

Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade

Participants: STRIX Chomutov, a.s.; PREFA KOMPOZITY, a.s.; ČVUT v Praze Fakulta stavební; Ústav betonových a zděných konstrukcí FAST VUT v Brně

Project outputs: 

Global sensitivity analysis for transformation of Hoek-brown failure criterion for rock mass (journal paper)

Effect of Load Orientation on the Load-Bearing capacity of FRP bar (conference paper)

A Precise Altitude Difference Measurement System for Terrain Mapping and Application in a Ducted-Fan Powered Airplane (conference paper

APLIKACE R-SL-STAB (computing software)


PROJECT FR-TI4/261 „Research into the behavior of grout mixtures when applied below the subterranean water, development of new grout mixture, the methodology of its design, implementation and monitoring method.“


Serious and sometimes nearly complete inhibition of grouting works often occurs in cases when grouted geological layer contains flowing subterranean water table. Grouting mixture is resolved and floated away before the setting. Afterwards due to this phenomena must be carried out expensive and laborious re-grouting works. Furthermore, in cases where this effect is not detected, there could occur serious threat of the structures stability and thus even of the human lives.Research project is divided intoeight phases which are logically bound together. Aim of the presented research and development project is the complex solution of the design, realization and the monitoring of the grouting works with intent to increase effectiveness and quality of the final grouting product. Individual research results will be as follows:Formulation of the grouting mixture, which has enhanced effectiveness of realization in geological formations with free subterranean water table

Period: 2012-2015

Programme: TIP

Provider: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR


PROJECT PZ-S/10/98 „The renewal of panel house buildings.“


Analysis of precast concrete systems from viewpoint of thermal, heat loss and energetical qualities, analysis of major construction defects, defect and failure detection diagnostics methods, elaboration of technological manuals for defect elimination.

Responsible person: Odpovědný řešitel: doc. Ing. Jiří Lank, CSc., doc. Ing. Kamila Weiglová, CSc.

Period: 1997 – 2000