The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is an independent public organisation supporting basic research throughout all scientific fields from public funds. GACR is the only institution in the Czech Republic, which provides public funding exclusively for basic research projects.

Since its establishment in 1993, GACR has provided financial support for both experienced as well as young and early-stage researchers on the basis of calls for proposals. GACR´s activity is regulated by Act. No. 130/2002 Coll., on Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation from public funds and amending certain related laws. GACR independently manages targeted and institutional resources allocated directly from the state budget.

Main GACR objectives:

  • To provide financial support in research and development for research projects in basic research with a high potential for achieving world class results.
  • To promote and further expand international scientific cooperation in basic research
  • To help create attractive conditions for the professional development of young and early-stage researchers.
  • To ensure that the entrusted state funds are used most effectively for the benefit of the Czech scientific com¬munity.
  • To create the best possible conditions for applicants and researchers during administration of applications and awarded projects.





Project GA ČR 103/09/1262 „Numerical Analysis of Retaining Walls using Different Constitutive Models“


Emphases given on research activities in the field of advanced constitutive modelling and their applications for predictions of behaviour of geotechnical structures is increasing worldwide. Use of advanced constitutive models for modelling of retaining walls is adopted within this project. Hypoplastic constitutive model, which is being developed at Charles University in Prague, is included as one of the advanced soil models used in the study. Special soil testing focused on soil stiffness determination(small strain stiffness, respectively) for needs of this model are proposed. Verification of the suitability of different constitutive models for modelling of the behaviour of retaining structures including comparison with in-situ measurements will be done. Numerical parametric studies of retaining walls for evaluation of different influences (e.g. influence of structure stiffness on stresses and displacements) will be performed.

Responsible person: Ing. Lumír Miča, Ph.D.

Period: 1. 1. 2009 – 31. 12. 2011


Project GA ČR 103/07/P323 „Behaviour analysis of underground structures by means of mathematical and experimental simulation“


Underground structures belong to structures whose decisive part is created by rock surroundings. Rock mass is not mostly homogeneous and isotropic surroundings. Presence of discontinuities results in an anisotropy which highly influences behaviour of rock mass. The object of the project is monitoring the influence of anisotropy of rock mass (discontinuities) on underground structures behaviour. Their response will be solved by means of physical modelling followed by mathematical modelling which make possible to expand the obtained experimental results. It can make better understanding behaviour of underground structures under variant conditions possible and it can contribute to more safe and more economical designing and building these structures.

Responsible person: Ing. Jiří Boštík, Ph.D.

Period: 1. 1. 2007 – 31. 12. 2009


Project GA ČR 205/07/1211 „Rocks stability near Bílá voda ponore in the Moravian Karst“


The proposed project has been planned based upon the acquired long-term results of the engineering geological monitoring and geophysical measurement of the area close to the surroundings of the River Bílá voda ponor in the Moravian Carst. New engineeringgeological observations of the stability of the slope and of the special surveyor measurement will be evaluated in relation to the climatic and hydro-geological changes. Within the framework of the measurement, a new technology of laser scanning will beapplied. The data measured will serve for the prediction of the parameters of the motion of particular blocks and of the entire rock blocks of the territory of interest. Partial results will serve as a basis for the proposal of the stability securing ofthe road No. III/3783.

Responsible person: doc. Ing. Antonín Paseka, CSc.

Period: 1. 1. 2007 – 31. 12. 2009


Project GA ČR 103/06/1124 „Stability of underground structures in extreme conditions“


Stability of underground structures depends on mechanical properties in the neighboring rock,and also on engineering chosen for planning of underground structure (with the aid of freezing of soils, for example). Very important item is fire defense. The project will be concerned not only with separating above-mentioned items, but also effort will be intended to concatenate several (all, if possible) effects influencing the project design. The starting point will consists in measurement on site, which areunder process today, and so the information from these measurements will be used in numerical simulations, involving the as much as possible influences. In current time Dobrovského tunnel in Brno is constructed, the information of which is available about the real behavior of the massiv and structure, too. Moreover,  information from experiements from a new Austrian tunnel in Alpen on fire defense by Profs. Swoboda of TU Innsbruck and Gioda from Politechnico di Milano will be used.

Responsible person: prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Procházka, DrSc., doc. Ing. Kamila Weiglová, CSc.

Period: 1. 1. 2006 – 31. 12. 2008


Project GA ČR 103/06/1801 „Reliability-Analysis Evaluation of Properties of Building Materials and Constructions in terms of their Time-Related Changes and Time-Variable Effects“


Evaluation of building materials and constructions depends on reliable diagnostic methods and procedures of in-situ and laboratory research and a complex study of the processes affecting the properties and behaviour of building materials exposed to varying external conditions. Determination of the properties of materials and constructions, which are a relevant basis for depicting the material heterogeneity of constructions and allow reliable designs of renovation and reconstruction projects (takingintoaccount the specificities of historic structures), include a qualitative and quantitative classification of degradation factors of materials embedded in constructions (natural stone, silicates, ceramics, timber, masonry, metals). The kinetics and dynamics of degradation processes is in a causal relation with external factors, being significantly conditioned by the structure and composition of building materials.  A necessary precondition for a reliable verification of degradation processes in

Responsible person: prof. Ing. Jiří Witzany, DrSc., doc. RNDr. Pavel Pospíšil

Period: 1. 1. 2006 – 31. 12. 2008


Project GA ČR 205/04/0820 „Rocks stability near Bila Voda Ponore in Moravian Karst“


Slope movements in the karst regions in Moravia were the subject of research in the last three years. Based on the results obtained, the surroundings of the Bílá voda creek ponore in the Moravian karst was chosen as one of the most important places. Thisarea is under the administration of Protected Landscape Area (CHKO) of the Moravian Karst. In the past, several rock collapses occurred, and at the present time, the slope stability in the surroundings of the road III/378 represents the greatest risk. The safety of people is in jeopardy as well. The substance of the project proposed is to continue in the monitoring of the rock face above the ponore based on the facts found out up to the present. Then it is to supplement the knowledge of the general geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological development of the area. The subject of the investigation will also include the evaluation of the effect of the collapsed blocks at the bottom of the valley of the Bílá voda creek on the total stability.

Responsible person: doc. Ing. Antonín Paseka, CSc.

Period: 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006


PROJEKT GA ČR 103/03/0483 „Tunnel face stability transformation field analysis and distinct state concept“


Eigenstresses and eigenstrains act out a very important role in many branches of applied mechanics. The eigenparameters may represent plastic strains or relaxation stresses (or also prestresses, change of temperature, etc.), and may serve as freeparameters for improving properties of numerical models to get the computed quantities that should be as close as possible to the real state. In order to get a reasonable agreement between these quantities when comparing both computed and measuredvalues, a special variational formulation can be given, dealing with the minimum variance of differences between measured and computed values. Using a very useful treatment, transformation field analysis (TFA), having recently been proposed by Dvorak &Procházka, the problem leads to a linear system of algebraic equations. In the case of proposed grant project we start with distinct state concept (DSC) having been proposed by Desai and describing nonlinear material behavior of the rock. This concept do

Responsible person: prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Procházka, DrSc., doc. Ing. Kamila Weiglová, CSc.

Period: 1.1.2003 – 31.12.2005


Project GA ČR 103/02/0990 „Research into non-force effects and aggressive environment affecting the ageing of historical structures with special emphasis on Charles bridge in Prague“


A long-term monitoring as well as laboratory and theoretical analyses show that a lot of defects appearing in the structure and individual stone blocks are mostly caused by the effects and influence of temperature and moisture (due to different humidity, temperature and different dilatometric features) which are putting the structure of Charles Bridge under variable intensity stress. This stress is due to mutual interaction of individual parts of the bridge with different primary volume changes. The rising intensity of physical, chemical and microbiological corrosion as well as degradation processes of the stone walls of bridge vaults, piers and supporting walls is very alarming. Reliability assessment of rehabilitation and reconstruction measures requires a detailed analysis of the interaction of the external environment and degradation processes in time, including and taking into account namely the specificities of repeated and cyclic temperature and moisture effects. Protection of buildings

Responsible person: prof. Ing. Jiří Witzany, DrSc, RNDr. Pavel Pospíšil

Period: 1.1.2002 – 31.12.2004


Project GA ČR 205/01/0047 „Slope stability in the karst regions in Moravia“


The project is aimed at the study and long-term observation of slope movements in karst regions in Moravia, their engineering-geological characteristics and influence upon the structural activity. Further to the practical and theoretical knowledge obtain.

Responsible person: doc. Ing. Antonín Paseka, CSc.

Period: 1.1.2001 – 31.12.2003


Project GA ČR 103/00/D004 „Behaviour of reinforcement soil in sub-base“


The main substance of project is monitoring behaviour of reinforcing geosynthetics in base courses laid on subsoil with low bearing capacity. Observing the interaction between reinforcement geosynthetic and soil, force and deformation effects in geosynthetics.

Responsible person: Ing. Lumír Miča, Ph.D.

Period: 1.9.2000 – 31.12.2003


Project GA ČR 103/99/1593 „Reinforced soils – limit states design applied to soil slopes, retaining walls and bridge abutments“


Reinforced soils represent very significant and progressive approach to civil engineering problems. The reinforcement with high tensile strength geosynthetic reinforcing element can add to the earth structure a missing tensile strength and so significantly improve its properties. The main aim of the proposed project is to prepare the data for safe and effective design and construction of reinforced soils with accordance of limit states design approach which is expressed in EC 7 – Geotechnicadesign, Part1 – General rules. Data for safe design will be supported by research not only by individual factors as a design values for reinforcing elements and interaction between soil and reinforcing element but first of all by studying the behaviourof earth structures under the loading. The research in the last point will be focused on limit states of overall stability and deformation with the help of following ways of modelling: numerical modelling (FEM, methods of limit equilibrium), laboratory.

Responsible person: prof. Ing. Ivan Vaníček, DrSc., doc. Ing. Kamila Weiglová, CSc.

Period: 1.1.1999 – 31.12.2001


Project GA ČR 103/99/1135 „Engineering methods affecting stability of tunnel face“


In the past, the coupled modeling (mutual influence of mathematical and physical models from equivalent materials and measurement “in-situ”) proved several advantages when dealing with geotechnical structures. In this grant project new procedures willbeintroduced, starting with mathematical, non-linear model, linked up with the conception of Professor Desai from University of Arizona, Tucson, and with applications of results from physical models and measurements “in-situ”. The submitted project is isome respect a continuation of the previous one, supported also by GACR. The latter project has been evaluated to be of an exceptional merit in the final expert reports. Free parameters were originally internal stresses and internal strains. The non-linearbehavior was described by linear relation eigenparameters-stresses or strains in the rock mass. The non-linearity was then expressed by the internal parameters.

Responsible person: prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Procházka, DrSc., doc. Ing. Kamila Weiglová, CSc.

Period: 1.1.1999 – 31.12.2001


Project GA ČR 103/99/0941 „Reliability and durability of buildings protection of structural materials and structures from the effect of degradation processes and their rehabilitation“


Corrosive and degradation processes have a decisive share in the appearance of failures, in the degradation of buildings and in shortening physical durability of structures. They principally affect the buildings’ structural safety and ftness for use forhealth reasons, their functional properties, energy and operating costs. By safeguarding reliability and functional properties ofbuildings and by extending their physical duralility, reducing the intensity and kinetics of degradation processes by effective and durable rehabilitation measures, considerable contributions to the national economy may be achieved. Special attention has to be paid to the rehabilitation of historical and cultural monuments, including the study of historical technologiesand materials and their influence on the selection of remedation means and effective methods oftheir application. The first stage ofthe grant project will deal with theoretic and experimental research into moisture impact on mechanical and physical mater.

Responsible person: prof. Ing. Jiří Witzany, DrSc., RNDr. Pavel Pospíšil

Period: 1.1.1999 – 31.12.2001