The excercise handouts are available only in Czech. Students studying in English will receive lecture materials during the course.


In order to test the basic knowledge and applications of the course “Underground Structures”, a semester program is prepared, which will be an additional item in the exam.

Additional assignment


Tables and diagrams are provided for exercises dealing with rock classifications.

Tunneling classifications of Protodiakonov and Terzaghi

Nomogram by Tesař [1]

Nomogram by Tesař [2]

Nomogram by Tesař [3]

Technological groups and technologies of construction of underground works (by Tesař)

Rigid lining – drawing in Autocad format (*.dwg)

Static design of tunnel lining by polygonal method

Comparison of tunneling classifications

Circular tunnel (gallery) lining

Secondary stress of the rock mass

Static design of tunnel lining

Design of shotcrete (SB) lining

Settlement trough