The textbooks and others documents are available only in Czech.



Geology for civil engineers (HTML): You need to save the “scripts” folder to your computer and open the “Content_script_geol.htm” file in your browser, which is located in the “scripts” folder.

Geology for civil engineers (PDF)

Exploring rocks



For students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

Geology for civil engineers (for 1st year students): all files in folders “Geologie1a” a “Geologie1b” must be saved on the computer in the previously created folder “Geology1_files”. The file “Geology1.htm” should be saved in the folder where the “Geology1_files” folder is located. The lectures are started by opening the file “Geologie1.htm” in the browser.

For students of the Faculty of Architecture

Stone in architecture, basics of petrography (for 1st year students): the folder “Fundamentals of Petrography of Stones in Architecture_files” and the file “Fundamentals of Petrography of Stones in Architecture.htm” should be saved on the computer (in the same folder). The lectures are started by opening the file “Fundamentals of Petrography of Stones in Architecture.htm” in the browser.


Building stone in architecture (for year 6 students): all files in the “Stone-in-architecture_a” and “Stone-in-architecture_b” folders must be saved on the computer in the previously created “Stone-in-architecture_files” folder. The file “Kamen-v-architekture.htm” should be saved in the folder where the “Stone-in-architecture_files” folder is located. Lectures are started by opening the file “Kamen-v-architekture.htm” in the browser.



Glossary of basic geological terms


Additional literature

ZÁRUBA, Q., VACHTL, J., POKORNÝ, M.: Základy geologie a petrografie pro stavební fakulty, SNTL Alfa Praha – Bratislava, 1972

ŠAMALÍKOVÁ, Milena, LOCKER, Jiří, POSPÍŠIL, Pavel: Geologie pro stavební inženýry, CERM Brno, 1995

PLUMMER, Ch.C., McGEARY,D.: Physical Geology, Wm.C.Brown-McGraw Hill Publishers, 1996

ZÁRUBA, Quido, MENCL, Vojtěch: Inženýrská geologie, Academia Praha, 1974

ONDRÁŠIK, R., RYBÁŘ, J.: Dynamická inžinierska geológia, SPN Bratislava, 1971

GOODMAN, R.E.: Engineering geology, John Wiley & Sons , 1993

WEST, T.R.: Geology Applied to Engineering, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1995