Dear students, dear students,

The Head of the Institute of Geotechnics, in accordance with the Dean’s Instruction No. 7/2023, announces a selection procedure for one (1) position of Student Teaching and Research Staff (STS) for the Institute of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, for the academic year 2023/2024.

The student will receive CZK 1,500,- per month in the form of an extraordinary scholarship for the activities of the SPVS position, within the scope of 15 hours/month. The SPVS activity takes place from September to June.

The workload of the SPVS at the Institute of Geotechnics may consist of:

  • Auxiliary work in laboratory tests
  • Preparation of scripts for automated tasks in Plaxis
  • Preparation of data and filling of soil sample database

If you are interested in this position, then please send an application to by September 20, 2023 that includes the following information:

  • Name and surname (title),
  • BUT Student ID
  • contact phone number


Asocc. Prof.. Ing. Lumír Miča, Ph.D.

Head of the Institute of Geotechnics