The Student Grant Competition within the framework of specific university research at BUT is announced in accordance with the Rules of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for the provision of targeted support for specific research according to on the Support of Research and Development from Public Funds and on the Amendment to Some Related Acts (the Act on the Support of Research and Development) and the Strategic Plan of BUT.

This competition emphasises the strengthening of students’ independent creative activity in cooperation with academic staff in the field of research and development. The projects enable intensive involvement of students in the issues addressed, especially in team research and development activities at faculties and departments. The grants, awarded annually as part of student-specific research, contribute to increasing the quality and efficiency of scientific research and artistic work, the development of interdisciplinary fields in doctoral and follow-up master’s studies, international cooperation, and support for the publication of results, which is in line with BUT’s Strategic Intent. Grants are financed from targeted support of the Ministry of Education.



Determination of input parameters of material models for the needs of underground construction with the possibility of using optimization methods

Period: 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018

The design of underground structures is challenging mainly because of the interaction between the reinforcement of the excavation and the surrounding rock mass. The massif both generates loads and also contributes to the transmission of forces in the vicinity of the cut. In order to analyse this complex system, it is advisable to use mathematical modelling techniques that describe the individual materials with so-called material models. In order to accurately characterise the actual behaviour of the mass or the restraint elements, it is necessary to obtain adequate values for the input parameters of the material models..

Detailed information can be found at