Dear students,

in accordance with the dean’s instruction No. 9/2024, I announce a selection process for two (2) positions of student teaching and research staff (SPVS) for the Institute of Geotechnics of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Technology in Brno, for the academic year 2024/2025.

For activities in the SPVS position, in the planned scope of 15 hours/month, the student will receive CZK 1,500 per month in the form of an extraordinary scholarship. The SPVS activity takes place from September to June (10 months).

The SPVS workload at the Institute of Geotechnics will consist of:

  • Activity during experiments and evaluation of measurements from them, as part of the Composite Anchor project
  • Auxiliary work during laboratory tests (preparation of samples, evaluation, etc.)
  • Preparation of scripts for automated tasks in the Plaxis program

If you are interested in this position, please send an application to by September 19, 2024, which will contain the following information:

  • Name and surname (title),
  • BUT student ID,
  • contact phone number,
  • preferred task you would like to tackle from the list above.

Yours sincerely

doc. Ing. Lumir Miča, Ph.D.

head of the Institute of Geotechnics